online safety courses

Our Solutions

3 Ways We Assist You

EndTAB Staff Training

Staff & Conference

We offer sessions tailored for professionals who are on the front lines of addressing and preventing tech-enabled abuse. Our expert-led presentations provide the latest insights and practical strategies to enhance safety and support for victims.

EndTAB Student Presentations

Community &
Student Talks

We offer sessions tailored to non-professional audiences like students, community members and parents.  These workshops demystify online challenges and empower anyone to stay safe in the digital age. 

EndTAB Webinars


Our paid webinars are designed for individuals seeking to deepen their understanding of online abuse, develop digital safety skills and hone their prevention strategies. Learn more here.


Digital Safety 101 (Advocacy & Safety Planning)

Our most popular staff training.  Here professionals learn the skills to immediately address and prevent common and emerging forms of tech-facilitated violence through advocacy and safety planning.

Emerging Issues in Digital Safety

Stay ahead of the curve by learning to identify and address the latest challenges such as AI chatbot abuse, voice cloning scams, undressing apps, synthetic videos (‘deepfakes’), facial recognition-enabled stalking and more before they become mainstream.

Tech-Enabled Trauma & Victim Blaming

Understand the differences between online and offline trauma to meet modern victims where they are, eliminate victim blaming and shaming, mitigate re-traumatization, and inform more effective trauma-informed approaches in online spaces.

Tech-Facilitated Sexual Violence

Identify, prevent, and respond to forms of image-based abuse such as the nonconsensual distribution of intimate images, sextortion, cyberflashing, and synthetic image abuse.

Online Scams & Modern Catfishing

Today, we are bombarded by scams online and via our devices. Some are obvious and others, thanks to AI, can trick almost anyone.  Stay a step ahead by recognizing red flags and learning actionable ways to prevent and respond to modern romance and financial scams.

Online Bystander Intervention

Participants will learn practical and effective bystander intervention strategies tailored for online environments, recognizing that traditional approaches may not always translate well to tech-facilitated violence.

Healthy Relationships & Dating in the Digital Age

Explore how trust, respect, and safety in relationships change online, understand the challenges and risks of dating apps, and learn how to protect against unhealthy behaviors in online spaces.

Engaging Men in the Digital Age

From different perspectives, we address the gendered nature of online violence and underscore the need for all, especially men, to be part of the solution. Topics include AI-generated abuse, rejection violence, cyber-flashing, and sextortion.

Addressing Online Financial Abuse

Demystify how tech-enabled intimate partner violence impacts financial security, using real examples and case studies. Learn how to prevent and respond to different forms of tech-enabled financial abuse through safety planning and advocacy.

Healthy Breakups in the Digital Age

Breakups have always always been hard, but ending a relationship today involves a whole new set of risks and challenges. Here we explore actionable, safe, and healthy ways to disentangle our digital lives in an increasingly hyperconnected world.

AI Romance and Relationships

The rapid rise of AI companions and romantic chatbots is transforming how people understand relationships and experience intimacy and connection. This presentation explores the risks and benefits of AI-driven relationships, their impact on healthy relationships, intimacy, and masculinity, and offers actionable strategies to address these trends proactively.

What’s Next?

Schedule a presentation or purchase a webinar.


Build Your Knowledge and Skills.


Address Online Abuse with confidence.


Our team felt that Adam Dodge's keynote presentation was, quite frankly, the very best we had ever offered - and our attendees' enthusiasm echoed that.

Robyn Sordelett

Virginia Victims Assistance Network Annual Conference

Ready to Prevent and Address Online Abuse with Confidence?